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Be like Elon Musk. Take advantage of Leverage in Your Business.

Be like Elon Musk. Take advantage of Leverage in Your Business.

August 06, 20235 min read

Be like Elon Musk. Take advantage of Leverage in Your Business.

Reading Time: Approximately 4 Minutes

Take advantage of Leverage in Your Business.


First, I've got some great news to share with you. I’m in Paris and just got engaged 🙂 

Anyway, let’s chat today about one of my favorite topics, which is leverage.

Our single most valuable resource in life is time. All entrepreneurs have 24 hours in a day, 365 days a year.

Though it appears that some are able to use their time better than others.

Take as an example, one of my heroes, Elon Musk.

He is running Tesla, Twitter, SpaceX, Neuralink and founded OpenAi, what we all know as ChatGPT.

For the record those are 5 ventures that are combined a trillion dollars in market cap.

Then there is me…

I am venturing for 12-16 hours per day running DeeDee, a digital investment banking platform, the Founders Tribe Community, an E-Com store and a property development company.

In comparison with Musk, these ventures together barely hit five million US dollars in value.

As you can see, Elon Musk's output is exponentially higher. A whopping 1.000.000 times higher than mine.

And though I work my ass off, I get seemingly different results.

It’s fascinating that Elon is able to significantly get more done than I do.

So what is the difference? I do know the reason.

Leverage is the answer!

And that is what we will talk about in this weeks Founders Tribe newsletter.

Under 5 minutes you’ll learn.

  • What is leverage and how does it work?

  • The 4CL leverage framework available to you

  • 7 examples of leverage to inspire you.

What is leverage?

Leverage buy-outs, leverage other people's money, leverage time, leverage processes, and leverage media. We hear these terms all day.

In its core definition, using:

Leverage is the ability to influence and maximize outcomes in our lives with the purpose of using (aka leverage aka optimize) our existing resources to its ultimate potential while limiting our resources such as energy and moneyl

 Sven Milder

It’s because of leverage that athletes reach peak performance; investors turn thousands into millions; influencers seem to be on every social media channel; and yes Elon is able to run multiple businesses.

I dare to say that leverage is a skill you can learn and eventually master.

Leverage is testing your creativity because, to maximize your outcome, it requires you to be resourceful.

If you start any project, Ask yourself the following question:

How can I minimize my own investment (energy and money) and utilize the resources available to me in such a way that the outcomes will be bigger than I ever thought possible?

By asking yourself such a question, your brain will open up a world of possibilities for you.

By now, I am sure you have a better idea of how leverage works.

Let’s find you leverage.

4 Ingredients at your disposal to get you maximum leverage.

Before I start with any project, I start analyzing the 4CL.

4CL is a term I came up with to offer myself a framework to enter the world of leverage.

> Capital is the first lever.

How can we use capital to go faster, derisk ourselves, and let it work for us?

For example:

When you borrow money, you leverage other people's money while keeping your own money in your pocket.


When you leverage capital, you can hire other people to do the work for you.

> Crowd is the 2nd lever.

Who do I know who has already done it or is able to help me get there faster?

For example.

When you invest time in building relationships, we can leverage our network to get introduced to theirs


We can leverage other people to do the work for us, helping us not to figure out the how or better use their introductions again to reach our goals faster.

> Code is the 3rd level.

How can I leverage technology to automate processes or scale faster?

For example.

Code has the ability to manage repeatable processes in such a way without the need for me to be present, which means I can use my time and energy for other matters where I can get more leverage and save costs in the process.

> Communication is the 4rd lever.

How can I leverage my communication in a way to reach more people or be more effective.

For example.

We can deliver a sales presentation to one person and waste our time, or we can create an explainer video and publish it on our website so it sells even if we aren’t there.


We can create 100 social media posts one by one, or, like this news letter, I can create multiple social media posts from one newsletter by taking smaller snippets and rewriting them.

Instead of using them on one channel, I can configure them in such a way that similar messages can be distributed on all social media channels, increasing the number of impressions.

Be like Elon Musk. Take advantage of Leverage in Your Business.

Take any project you plan to work on and ask yourself: How can I leverage capital, communication, crowd and code to get more done without actually spending more of your own energy?

That wraps up this week's newsletter.

Have a magical day!


PS. If you are ready to life your game, let me know if the below options are for you

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Sven Milder

I'm in love with developing ideas into thriving ventures. As the founder of SevenX Group, I work daily to simplify founders lives by hosting a FAME Community & steering an Ai driven matching making platform for founders and investors. I have supported over 300+ Founders with over $240M+ in Funding and acquisitions and I'm thrilled to help you succeed.

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