
Join Over 300+ Entrepreneurs Who Love GetFundedFormula

"I loved working with Sven, especially the little details that make all the difference. I recommend everyone to join who prefers to structure its fundraise in a pragmatic and process driven way to get funded."

Aziz, Co-founder and CEO

"Within 3 months, we got our first cheque!"

Dirk, Co-founder

"We raised $700.000 under 4 weeks!"

Simon, CEO

"We are getting some great and genuine interest in the fund. They are less worried about the return. We are half-way there, this will set us on top!"

Steven, CEO

"We've been getting meetings with some good folks in the last 2 days. So excited!"

Vaibhav, Co-founder and CEO

"Following the program helped me close $250.000 in startup capital."

Sara, CEO

We Serve 6 - 8 Figure Entrepreneurs
In The LowCap & MidCap Market Best

Our clients fit one of the following boxes

Scalable business Models
Internet | Software | multi store

We praise ourselves to rapidly unlock revenue in scalable by optimizing business models, cutting costs, bringing cashflowing partnerships

Annual Revenue:
$500.000 - $5.000.000

We support profitable companies at the buy and sell side from preparation to exit or acquisition by maximizing company value or advanced dealmaking strategies to drive 7x return on capital.

Annual Ebitda
$200.000 - $2.000.000

With over 300+ clients, US$240 million dollar in transactions we fasttrack entrepreneurs to access capital from our network of 15.000 investors.

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"Sven helps you navigate through the maze. He's a serial entrepreneur who always comes with an array of ideas to the table, fully utilizing his high-energy personality, drive, and creativity"

Tomaz, Serial Entrepreneur

"I feel I have finally a clear

understanding of how to structure a deal. Practical insights and strategies that you can put into place immediately to get the results for your project. You can implement them immediately."

Laure, CEO

"Sven is very clear and knows a lot about everything related to start-ups and financing."

Vincent Wolfeard, CEO

"Sven truly helped in a no-nonsense way. Beyond his experience he has empathy”

Slok Bern, Founder

Absolutely buuuzzzzzzzzing. I woke this morning with fantastic strategies running through my head.

Simon, Project Manager

“Sven is a great advisor for first time entrepreneurs who are looking for guidance and structure. He helped us to get clear on the data room and internal structures."

Steven, CEO

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at SevenX Club & Letters

What results do you dare to imagine when you combine information and implementation with commitment and drive? You'll access new levels of business growth.

Our club is all about business growth through capital, acquisitions and proven growth levers

"This program really pushes you to grow your business. If you want to get your investors to notice you, you have to make your business scalable and attractive ... GET ON TO THIS program!"

Shasha, Managing Director

“It's a real eye - opener what it takes to raise capital in this modern world. The best part of this program is that it addresses the emotional and intimate side of business relationships that you don't get out of a typical business school.”

Mark, Marketing Manager

"Sven has been of significant value guiding our Korean portfolio startups to investor success"

Viktor, CEO

"Sven is a visionary leader. He can effectively connect the dots that are necessary to achieve what he envisioned. He is also able to effectively tackle day-to-day business challenges like no other."

Leonardo, Executive Director

"With Sven you can learn how to make logical decisions using proven methods to win funding to boost your business."

Robin, CEO

"I got many insights especially about startup fundraising and investors that I haven't heard before."

Wilson, CEO

We Fund. We Acquire. We Exit. We Grow Profitable Internet businesses

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