Contact Us






109 North Bridge Road, 07-22 Funan, Singapore, 179097

Frequently Asked Questions

What programs do you offer to support me? 

We support 7 & 8 figure entrepreneurs running scalable business models with their capital requirements, exit planning and acquisitions through a variety of engagements. From self paced programs to skill up to cohort based programs where you work with other entrepreneurs side by side to one-on-one engagements for demanding entrepreneurs.

Our self paced program start at US$150,-.

Can you help me to raise Capital for my business? 

We have supported over 300+ clients with over US$240.000.000 in capital and M&A transactions. With a network of over 15.000 angels, high net worth individuals, family offices, venture capitalist we are confident that we can service you with the right investor. To discover if you qualify for our support, please run our ready to raise test.

Do you work on success fee based?

The short answer is no. The better answer is. We decide this on a case by case basis. For example. When you are a seed stage startup without profitability its impossible to guarantee funding. When you are profitable multi store health clinic that wants to expand, we can consider.

That being said in most of our one-on-one engagements we work with a competitive program fee + a success fee backed by our 5X GetFunded guarantee that every engagement we accept we guarantee a 5X in funding commitment in line with the fee you pay us. So in that case there are always winner.

I'd like to discuss a partnership?

We love partnerships. Mostly because its a win-win for all parties. please send your request to [email protected]

What is SevenX Capital?

SevenX Capital is our investment arm that acquires minority, majority or full ownership stakes in cashflowing business, profitable internet software and multi store businesses. We pride ourselves for a fast track acquisition process that can be concluded within 60 days and is mostly a combination of a cash and differed payments component.

Drop us an e-mail at [email protected]

We Fund. We Acquire. We Exit. We Grow Profitable Internet businesses

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SevenX Group Pte Ltd