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How To Create The Perfect Investment Offer With The Tru$t Framework

How To Create The Perfect Investment Offer With The Tru$t Framework

September 14, 20234 min read

How To Create The Perfect Investment Offer With The Tru$t Framework

Reading Time: Approximately 4 Minutes

Create The Perfect Investment Offer

In today’s newsletter, you’ll learn in under 5 minutes how to get your investor to say YES, using the Trust Framework.

But before jumping in, I’d like to invite you for our October Cohort of GetFundedOS. Reserve your spot for $5,-, We have 5 Spots Left!

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Okay, that's that. Now, let’s dive into the TRUST FRAMEWORK.

It’s a framework I’m using with all my clients and for myself to guarantee that I craft the perfect investment offer that is wanted by investors.

If you’d love to watch the video around this topic, please scroll down.

You are about to raise investment capital to supercharge growth.

And of course.

You are excited because you know what this investment can do for your business.

One of the reasons why investors give you a "NO"

It is because
founders are too busy with what they want.

And not concerned with what the investor wants.

A quote to keep in mind

To get invested, Invest in your investor first."

In other words.

When you focus on what the investor wants first,

you'll be likely to connect deeply with her/him

⚡️Hence I'll deliver you the TRU$T Framework


⚡️Timing. Your investors 1st Priority
Give investors a reason why NOW is the time to invest and not in a month from now.
We all are influenced by urgency.

Questions to ask yourself:
How can I incentivize an investor to say yes now?
Why would now be the best moment to invest

⚡️Return: Your investors 2nd priority
Investors are in the game to make money. And in exchange for their capital, they buy a security.

Frankly, they don't care about your product. but they love your product as it can make a return.

Questions to ask yourself:
Is the #ROI clearly mentioned in your offer?
How much ROI can I offer (worst case, base case, best case)

How To Create The Perfect Investment Offer With The Tru$t Framework

Click The Video To Watch More About The Trust Framework

⚡️Exit: Your investors 3rd priority
It's a pain in the ass if your investor sees the business is doing well, but there is no option to exit

Questions to ask yourself:

How can I design a clear #exit strategy?
How can i offer investors liquidity?

⚡️$ecurity. Your investors 4rd priority
Like #warrenbuffett shares. Rule 1. Never loose money. In order for the investor to not loose money, he needs to build in securities and decide on his financial instrument.

Questions to ask yourself:

How can I de risk the deal for my investor?
What kind of security can I offer to comfort the investor to not loose money?

⚡️Terms. Your #𝗶𝗻𝘃𝗲𝘀𝘁𝗼𝗿𝘀 5th priority
Investing is a game of speculating that a security will rise in price. And the investor is relying on the team and product/service to achieve it. But like any game, there are rules. Terms

Questions to ask yourself:

What terms do I need to include to make this investment a great offer?

How do we protect the interest of the investee and the investor etc

Combine Timing, Return, U-Exit, Security, Terms together to arrive at your TRU$T Offer.

Hope this is helpful for you.

Have a magical day ahead.



PS. If you are ready to life your game, let me know if the below options are for you

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Sven Milder

I'm in love with developing ideas into thriving ventures. As the founder of SevenX Group, I work daily to simplify founders lives by hosting a FAME Community & steering an Ai driven matching making platform for founders and investors. I have supported over 300+ Founders with over $240M+ in Funding and acquisitions and I'm thrilled to help you succeed.

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